At the moment, I’m working with lashes every day. I’m building up my client base, fully dedicating myself to this craft and constantly improving in the lash industry. With each passing day, I enjoy what I do more and more. My skills are getting better, and the feedback from clients has been very positive. I’m happy I chose this direction in the beauty industry.
Working as a lash artist has had such an impact on my life that I can confidently say I no longer want to work for anyone else. I want to continue doing lashes, and in the future, I might even open my own salon. I feel undeniably happier doing what I love, growing at my own pace, and having the flexibility to plan my schedule and personal time exactly as I want. I’m completely in control of my life. I can say with full excitement and confidence that my life has become so much better after training with Elsa to become a lash artist!
For anyone considering becoming a lash artist, I can only say one thing: you have to try. It doesn’t matter whether you stick with the profession or where life takes you. A wise person once said to me (Elsa): “If you do something enough times, you will get really good at it.” That phrase has motivated me and helped me not give up when my first sets of lashes weren’t perfect, or when my back hurt from sitting incorrectly. Everything comes with practice, and there’s no other way. After all, we didn’t learn to hold a spoon on the first try, but we forget that once we’ve mastered it. How important it is sometimes to look back and remember that tough start. I succeeded for one simple reason—I didn’t give up. Because if you give up, nothing will work out, and you won’t become a professional. But if you try, fall, get up, and try again—you will succeed no matter what. It simply cannot be otherwise.
I’m grateful that even when money was tight, and so many people around me told me that there were too many lash artists and I should study something else because “this is nonsense,” I followed through and completed the training! I shut my eyes and ears and just followed that small dream I had a few years ago, inspired by Elsa and her flawless work. I’m grateful to myself and to Elsa. Without her, I wouldn’t be as happy and satisfied with my life as I am now!